Hello my name is Dr. Suresh Kumari on 25-03-2016 I received diploma of animal health worker. Today I provide medical facilities to animals. Along with this, I have done a separate study related to the food and drink of animals. In addition to giving medicines to animals, he has also worked as the main consultant for their food and drink.

Nowadays there are new inventions for human beings. New medicines come. But people don’t care much about animals. Many animals die due to human error. People throw human food to their dog without knowing it, which kills your dog, cow and buffalo.

I had a lot to write about. So I made my sock a profession and I started a blog on dog food. The name of this blog is Candogseat.xyz.

Certificate declaration

Ms. Suresh kumara D/O Man Singh has successfully cleared the the assessment for the role of Animal health worked (QP No-AGR/Q4804) conforming to national skill qualification framework level -3


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QP number- AGR/Q4804

SI No.-189998100683015584

Powerd by Dr. Suresh kumari- Candogseat.xyz